Though McCain isn't a card carrying member of the extreme right wing, he does lack the courage to stand up to them. Why else would he pick Sarah Palin, the half baked Alaskan bimbo? Palin reminds me of a prissy home coming queen with every hair in place. The only thing she's missing is a tiara.
Palin is proof that a McCain administration would be an extension of the Bush administration. Palin apparently doesn't read just as Bush boy doesn't read.
The Joker represents the conservatives worst nightmare: The Truth. The truth is a word that does not exist in the vocabulary of conservatives. They have distorted the truth about Obama by suggesting he was involved with domestic terrorists and their activities when, in fact, Obama was just eight years old. They falsely claim that Obama is a Muslim because his middle name happens to be Hussein. The conservatives were hoping the voters would link his middle name with Saddam Hussein, but the intelligent voters associated Obama with the late King Hussein of Jordan, one of America's best ally in the Middle East. Guilt by association is the tactic of the right wing.
McCain is very much like every character John Wayne portrayed in his many movies. The majority of those characters resolved situations with violence either with a gun or fists. McCain shows little interest in using diplomacy, but would rather shoot first and ask questions later. The same is true of his running mate, the half baked Alaskan bimbo, Sarah Palin.
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